(on some other planet)

(on some other planet you may be right) בין כוכבים אתה אולי צודק

An improvised audio-visual piece.

“working within limits can result in different feelings. in this project we chose to be inspired by current limitations (social distance).
each individual contributing his part to the whole-
every person has a statement of his own that does not need (direct) support but rather a multi-centered environment that elevates the complexity of the piece.
it is wonderful to collaborate with artists (dead or alive) from different backgrounds and approaches and see what can be done collectively.” – Ziv Taubenfeld

The words:

“On some other planet you may be right,
not here.” While you were talking
you changed to a silent weeping, as in the middle
of a letter
you change, when your pen goes dry, from blue
to black,
or as people used to switch horses during a journey.
Talk grew tired, tears
are always fresh.

Seeds of summer flew into the room
we were sitting in. In front of the window
there was an almond tree growing black:
One more warrior in the eternal battle
of the sweet against the bitter.

Look, just as time isn’t inside clocks,
love isn’t inside bodies:
bodies only show love.

But let’s remember this evening
the way people remember the motions of swimming
from one summer to the next. “On some other planet
you may be right, but not here.”

(Yehuda Amichai
translated by Chana Bloch)

Ziv Taubenfeld • bass clarinet, percussion, voice
Olie Brice • double bass
Ido Bukelman • banjo
Onno Govaert • drums, percussion
Pablo Dias & The Gold Fish Club • video manipulation, editing